How to Lose Weight by Walking: Some Secrets

1. Use your shoes to curb a craving. 

When all you can think of is chocolate, or you're salivating over the thought of a salty snack, get up and take a walk (but not to the convenience store!). Chocoholics experience a major dip in cravings just 15 minutes after a walk, unlike people who don't get up and move around.

2. Start small

Shorter sojourns could be all you need to do to lose weight by walking during your first 3 months. In a 12-week study of significantly overweight women, those who walked for 30 minutes, 5 days a week, lost weight at a rate similar to women who walked twice as long -- 60 minutes, 5 days a week

3. Get speedy every now and then. 

When you’re walking to lose weight, alternate your regular walking pace with intense 1- to 3-minute intervals -- "intense" meaning conversation is tricky but not so hard that you want to stop talking altogether. Then, dial back to your regular pace for a minute or more to recover. Repeat as often as you can for as long as you want. "This isn't an exact science, so don't worry about a magic formula," says Gregory Florez, an American Council on Exercise spokesperson in Salt Lake City. "Play around with it. Walk fast toward the next stop sign, then slow down, repeat. However you do it, varying your intensity and exertion will dramatically increase the calorie burn during your walks."

4. Other times, don't worry about speed

If you just can't go any faster, Florez recommends these other tools to help you lose weight by walking:

  • Frequency: When you think you're not losing, add another session of walking to your week.
  • Intensity: When you've done that, add some hills to make your walk a little harder. You want to be between 12 and 15 on the Borg Perceived Exertion Scale (0 on the scale is sleeping, and 20 is a full-out sprint where you are panting and feel ready to faint). "You should be able to carry on a conversation, but every other sentence you should have to take a deep breath."
  • Time: Just walk a little longer each session. Add 10 minutes to your walk every day and you'll have amassed an extra 70 minutes that week. Easy, no?

Simple Ticks for Outsmart Obesity Genes

Not a lot of size 6's in your family? Well, then, here's the simple trick to outrunning your obesity genes: movement.

In a study of people genetically predisposed to obesity, those who were the most active managed to seriously alter their body's predisposition to gain weight. They were far less likely to pack on pounds over time compared with the least active in the study.

Handling Heavy DNA:

In the study, researchers found 12 genes that increased the risk of obesity. And every obesity gene people had correlated to extra weight gain. Still, although certain genes made them more susceptible to obesity, participants were not slaves to their DNA. Exercising about an hour a day dropped the risk of weight gain about 40 percent, compared with the couch potatoes. 

All in the Family:

You may have the cards stacked against you when it comes to family health history, but nothing is certain. Only about 30 percent of aging is determined by genetic factors. The other 70 percent you control through your behaviors. Here are just a few examples of how you can alter the way your genes affect your health:

Exercise for 30 minutes. 
Cook with olive oil. 
Write a thank-you note. 

Weight Loss with Vitamin D & Calcium

Give yourself the power to say no to waist-padding foods by adding this to your diet: a calcium and vitamin D supplement.

When female dieters did this in one study, they ate fewer fatty foods and lost four times more weight than the women who didn't take the supplement.

Keep the Calcium Coming:

Why might a calcium supplement help? Researchers theorize that when your calcium intake is too low, your body may start craving foods rich in the mineral. And, unfortunately, many foods high in calcium are also high in fat and calories (think ice cream and full-fat cheese). But the women in the study who were getting the least calcium (less than 600 milligrams per day) lost not only more weight but also more body fat while taking a supplement.

Why Both Is Best:

When you take vitamin D with calcium, your body absorbs more of the calcium, so a combo supplement is best. Try these additional tips for slimming down faster:

Have a clear goal. Whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 100, setting a goal and tracking your progress will help you get there.

Eat for the right reason. If you're eating because you're depressed rather than hungry, you need to understand yourself in order to stop. Here's more on the chemistry of emotional eating.

Move your feet. A walk every day helps melt the pounds away. Find out how quickly you can walk off the fat.

Gum Problems Might Lead to Cancer !!!

You know flossing is a great way to fend off gum disease. But cancer?

Turns out that there might be a connection. A study of lifestyle habits showed that people with healthy gums also enjoyed a lower risk of developing any type of cancer.

Telling Teeth

In the study, researchers used questionnaires to track the health histories and lifestyle habits of close to 50,000 men for nearly 18 years. Compared with men who had no track record of gum problems, men with a history of gum disease were 14 percent more likely to develop cancer -- any kind, although the link was especially strong for lung and pancreatic cancer. Check out this article for the skinny on how flossing affects your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

The Gateway to Good Health

How gum problems might lead to cancer isn't totally clear, but other research indicates that people with gum disease usually have higher blood levels of certain inflammatory markers that are also associated with cancer and other health problems. Yep, healthy teeth may mean more than just a pretty smile. Here are a few more ways to keep your whites pearly:

Increase their wattage with food. These bites can help brighten your smile and shield your teeth from stains.

Put on the kettle for strong teeth. Find out why green tea is good for your gums.

Keep your smile sweet with the right snacks. Here's a treat even your dentist will approve of.

Strategies to Help Reduce Stress

Without some stress, we'd be little more than slugs (minus the motivation to do the things that enrich our lives), but too much stress can affect our health and even contribute to major depression (also known as clinical depression, major depressive disorder, or MDD). "If prolonged, stress can lead to headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, and gastrointestinal problems," says Simon Rego, PsyD, director of psychology training at Montefiore Medical Center and assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, N.Y. "It can also affect appetite, sleep, and mood, generating anxiety and depression."

For people predisposed to depression -- especially major depression -- or who are already depressed, stress can be overwhelming, triggering a downward slide. "Depression is like kindling on the forest floor," says Daniel Buccino, MSW, clinical supervisor and assistant professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University. "Stressors can sometimes be the spark that ignites the vulnerability to depression."

In part that's because chronic stress may change behavior in ways that fuel clinical depression, Rego says. "For example, people who are stressed tend not to go out as much or sleep as well, or they may overeat or drink too much. Those things can generate symptoms of depression."

Try these strategies to help reduce stress and overcome major depression:

  • Recognize what causes your stress. "Each person needs to know [his or her] particular vulnerabilities to certain kinds of stress," Buccino says. Maybe too little sleep or too many commitments at work put you over the edge. "Figure out your limits and then try to manage them," Buccino says.
  • Exercise. Moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking at talking speed, can help lift people out of anxiety, stress, and depression, Rego says. Exercise isn't a substitute for medical treatment for major depression, but it can help support your recovery.
  • Tap into social support. "People who are stressed and depressed tend not to use social support networks," Rego says. "Reaching out to friends or trusted colleagues can buffer stress and offer an outside opinion on stressors, and connections can create a sense of belonging, which lessens depression." Connections don't always have to be in person: Start out with a text or an e-mail, or Skype.
  • Challenge your perspective. "When people stress, they tend to see only threatening information," Rego says. "Examine your thoughts to see if they're as negative as you think. For instance, if you're stuck in a traffic jam, instead of thinking you'll never arrive on time, ask yourself, 'What's the worst that can happen if I'm late?'"
  • Sign up for therapy. If you have clinical depression, psychotherapy is probably part of your treatment. It's a great tool to treat major depression and address stress, Buccino says. "You're forming a useful working alliance with another person, whether to gain insight or make changes."

Rejuvenation of the Body Through Yoga

Yoga helps in the rejuvenation of the body. Resistance, observances, posture and pranayam have a major role in rejuvenation. Practice of Yoga maintains the functioning of all physical and mental organs in their natural condition. It is needless to say that functioning of organs in their natural state is the key to good health.

The health obtained through artificial means cannot be said to be stable. Excessive use of medicines makes the organs not only sensitive but it also completely ends the chances of their functioning in natural condition. A medicine that is taken to control one particular disease gives birth to another disease. These physical ailments produce mental disorders.

Different yogic actions in Yoga – Asana, pranayam, austerity, mudra, bandh, shatkarma etc. are used to purify blood, nervous system and vital life. All faecal matter is thrown out of the body, which is the main cause of diseases and disorders. The chariot of life moving on the basis of good food, sleep and celibacy never deviates from the path of good health. Yoga philosophers had fixed the form of the first two steps of Ashtanga Yoga, namely resistance towards passion and observances, were actually the basis of healthy people and healthy society. Resistance towards passion includes not harming other creatures, truth, not stealing other’s things, celibacy, not collecting unwanted things which will contribute in building progressive society on one hand and on the other hand, observances like cleanliness, satisfaction, austerity, study of religious books and deep devotion towards God represent the personal development.

It should not be understood that non-violence and other observances are not with the purpose of personal development. Finally, the acceptance of people maintains the discipline of the society. Non-violence and observances except celibacy are relevant to the society.

Whereas, cleanliness etc. are relevant to an individual. Saint Patanjali is claiming the observances as most important vows on this very basis. Patanjali’s views are clear that the practitioner of Yoga should not follow nonviolence in the pretext of nation, time and circumstances. Although, nation, time and circumstances could be suitable with respect to cleanliness, austerity, self-study of religious books etc. The word ‘austerity’ used with reference to observances has a broad scope in Indian literature. Saint Patanjali has given a very brief concept in the form of kriya Yoga, self study of religious books and deep devotion towards God along with austerity which is an important part of it. It is clear that austerity is the final outcome of physical and mental energy and consciousness, not exploitation of physical organs. Saint Patanjali considers tolerating dilemmas as austerity. He says that a person has the capacity to bear two kinds of dilemma, namely logic at mental level and energy at physical level.

Indian sages have recognized the dilemmas coming up at physical and mental levels as thirst-hunger, cold-heat, happiness-unhappiness, loss-gain, fame-infamy, victory-defeat, etc. The capacity to bear these confusions is tolerance, which is known as the basic quality of personal, family, social, political, religious and spiritual life.

Austerity has been explained further in some religious texts. The factors of resistance towards passion and observances have been included in physical, verbal and mental types. Actually pretentious luxurious life style destroys the moral strength of a person at a very fast pace. A person who gets used to comfortable life style cannot imagine living without these comforts. A person leading a luxurious life feels handicapped in the absence of comforts and luxuries. The body becomes a bundle of diseases due to this tendency. At this point the nature appears to be an enemy. Austerity is the invitation to sacrifice luxurious life style that is away from the nature. Asana or posture is the most popular branch of Yoga to maintain a balanced physical structure. Saint Patanjali has given a very simple and easy definition of posture.

He says that sitting in a comfortable position is posture. Different writers have different views with respect to number of asanas. One of the interesting views has been expressed in Dhyanbindupanishtkar. According to him, the number of postures is uncountable. It is necessary to strengthen the nerves and muscles in order to lead a healthy life for longer time. The nutritional elements taken in the form of food reach different parts of the body through pranayama. In the absence of this, the body does not develop properly. Posture and light exercises strengthen our respiratory system. The yogasanas are successful treatment for various diseases. An easy and effective treatment for different types of diseases occurring in stomach, back, neck and knees is possible through asana.

Ancient Ayurvedic Drug Removes Tooth With No Blood or Pain

A family in the northern Indian city of Jammu has the recipe for a rare drug that can painlessly remove a tooth without anesthesia or surgery. As part of an ancient medical heritage, the family has been using this drug for centuries, passing down the recipe for generations. Rattan Singh, who works in a small clinic on a side street of the Gumat Bazaar in Jammu city, is one of the recipe holders.

On a cold January day, Vijay Kumar, age 67, came into Singh’s clinic with an aching tooth. Singh applied his concoction soaked in cotton to the area around the tooth, and within a minute, had it removed.

There was no bleeding and no pain. “I didn’t even know what happened,” Kumar said.

The drug is transparent like water but smells very strong. According to Singh it can catch fire like gasoline. He hasn’t made the drug himself; what he has was made by his grandfather, and he still has about a quart of it left.

Singh’s father and grandfather left him and his four brothers, who also have clinics on the same street, with four remedies older than 100 years, which they are still using. While Singh is still a traditional dentist, his brothers have become dental mechanics, certified by the government.

“Others do possess this drug, but they keep it a secret,” Singh said. He only uses it when a customer requests it, saying he believes it affected his now-deceased father’s eyesight.


Singh and his brothers are part of a community of Bhat Sikhs or Bhatras, a community whose ancestors were scholars and priests who lived on the now dry Saraswati River between India and Pakistan.

Brahmin in origin, they became followers of Guru Nanak, who is the grandfather of the Sikh religion. One of Guru Nanak’s followers, ruler Raj Shivnabh, had a grandson who became a poet and scholar. He was called Bhat Rai, or the “Raj of poets” for his literary skill, and the name Bhatras evolved from “Bhat Rai.” Bhat means “bard” in Sanskrit, and the Bhat Sikhs are Sikh bards or scholars.

Today the Bhatras can still be seen in the narrow lanes of the Gumat Bazaar, sitting at small tables with acrylic teeth and old dentures on display to attract clients.

Singh said his father, who came to the region when it was still ruled by a king, also used to practice this way.

“He would sit in the public junction and offer his services to people. Slowly people came to know about him, and we are carrying forward that legacy,” he said, showing an old leaflet that his father used to publicize his services.

Affordable Dental Care

While they mostly work in the open street, don’t wear protective gloves, and some of their tools look like they belong in a carpenter’s shop, many people still come to them because they are affordable and effective.

“I had a client in Delhi. He told another high-ranking officer from Maharashtra [a coastal state about 700 miles southwest of Delhi], and he came all the way looking for me in this lane in Jammu,” Singh said.

To remove an aching tooth, Singh charged a woman only 120 rupees ($2).

Another woman approached Singh to wire her daughter’s teeth. “I went to a private [modern dentist] clinic,” she said. “They asked me for 21,000 rupees ($350).” Singh charged 800 rupees ($13) for the same job.

Unfortunately for Singh, this means he can’t make a living from his practice.

“My father told me not to cheat anyone, so I can’t charge them exorbitant amounts of money,” he said. “Since I cannot charge extra, I cannot survive practicing this only.”

He has started a small electronics business and survives by renting property in the main market nearby.

And it looks as though the practice of traditional dentistry will not be carried on in his family much longer.

Singh’s brothers have already given up the practice and his children aren’t interested in practicing traditional dentistry either. His apathy toward his medicinal heritage is also apparent, he says he doesn’t want to practice anymore and wants to find a new career in another industry.

But until then, he is a living testament of the power of traditional healing.

This Morning Habit Just May Save Your Heart

Not so fast, guys. Running out the door in the morning without eating breakfast is causing some serious damage to your health. So grab a bowl of steel cut oats and listen up.

One study out of Harvard points out that men/women who forego breakfast have a 27% higher risk of developing heart disease than those who start off the day with something in their stomachs. That’s not all – men who skip breakfast are also more prone to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. And, if you make it a habit of foregoing food in the morning, you’re also more likely to indulge in other unhealthy activities like smoking and drinking alcohol.

We get it; most mornings you’re rushing out the door with barely enough time to tuck in your shirt, let alone prepare a healthy meal. But you don't have to sit down to something fancy – or time consuming -- to protect your heart and get a healthy start on the day.

Check out these quick and easy breakfast ideas:

Bite into hard-boiled eggs. They’re simple to prepare (especially if you boil them the night before) and full of the wake-you-up chemical tyrosine. Starting your day with eggs can also help you burn fat and control your appetite throughout the day.

Graze on grains. Toast up one slice of whole grain bread, smear it with peanut butter and top it off with a few slices of banana. The fiber in the whole grain toast will keep you feeling full. Not to mention, four servings of whole grains a day helps keep your blood pressure in a healthy range.
Feast on fruits, nuts and carbs. On your way out the door, grab an apple or a pear, a handful of almonds and seven low-fat Triscuit crackers. This mini-meal offers an impressive 10g of protein.
No time to fix anything?

If you’re totally pressed for time and your only breakfast option involves placing an order at the drive-thru window, here are some waistline friendly fast-food options.

The benefits of breakfast are far-reaching. Not only does it help protect against heart disease, it kick-starts your metabolism, allowing your body to burn more calories throughout the day. Eating breakfast also helps regulate your cardiovascular and immune systems, improves your memory, lifts your mood and gives you a performance boost to fuel you through those first few hours at work.

Now if that doesn’t make you want to sit down and nosh a bowl of Wheaties before you head out the door, we don’t know what will. 

Mini Miracles when Applied Oatmeal Mask to skin

You probably know that oatmeal's a fiber-rich superfood that does an all-star job of sopping up cholesterol and speeding it out of the body. But do you also know that its grainy little flakes perform mini miracles when applied to skin? Oatmeal whisks away dead cells, irritation, and redness, leaving a soft, moist glow behind.

While this could be news to you, oatmeal's long been a staple among skin pros -- even ancient ones. Its skin-soothing powers were known as early as 2000 BC, and to this day, the FDA cites it as effective for relieving dryness and inflammation, including insect stings, rashes, and eczema. That's why finely powdered ("colloidal") oatmeal is sifted into soothing body soaks, moisturizers, and soaps. (Pulverizing the oats into powder makes it easier to disperse their healing goodness -- and in soaks it keeps them from collecting in the bottom of the tub.)

"There are four reasons why your skin adores oatmeal," explains New York City dermatologist Amy Wechsler, MD:

1. Dryness fighting: Oats contain polysaccharides, which become gelatinous in water and leave a fine protective film on the skin, preventing dull, flaky dryness.

2. Moisturizing: Oats are full of healthy, lubricating fats.

3. Defense building: The proteins in oatmeal help maintain the skin's natural barrier function, which ensures that the world outside the skin stays out, and what's inside the skin stays in.

4. Pore cleansing: Oats are filled with natural cleansers (called saponins) that gently remove dirt and oil from the pores.

To reap all of these benefits, Wechsler suggests treating your skin to a colloidal oatmeal mask every week or two. Here's her super simple recipe -- good bet the ingredients are already in your kitchen.

The Skin Doc's Smoothing, Soothing Oatmeal Mask

2 tablespoons old-fashioned oats
2 tablespoons hot water
1/2 tablespoon honey

1. Put the oats into a clean herb or coffee grinder on the finest setting, and process into powder.

2. Pour into a small bowl and stir in hot water and honey. Let stand for 5 minutes.

3. Wash face with warm water. While skin is still damp, massage paste onto face, circling around eyes and mouth. Leave on for 10 minutes.

4. Remove with tepid water and a washcloth. Apply your favorite moisturizer to seal the deal and set the glow.

P.S.: Don't stop eating oats just because you've transformed them into a beauty treatment! They're hard to beat as a source of health-protective soluble fiber -- and eating a high-fiber diet can make your RealAge up to 6 years younger.

Here's another beauty treatment to try, and it's made with the world's sexiest superfood.

विश्व ग्लूकोमा दिवस: आंखों के नियमित परीक्षण और उपचार से बचाए दृष्टि

हर वर्ष मार्च माह में ग्लूकोमा के संबध में जागरूकता बढाने के लिए विश्व ग्लूकोमा सप्ताह मनाया जाता है। ग्लूकोमा बड़े स्तर पर नजर न आने वाली बीमारी है, लेकिन यह अपरिवर्तनीय नेत्रहीनता का एक बड़ा कारण है, जो कि अंतर नेत्र दबाव में बढ़ोत्तरी के कारण आंख के ऑप्टिक तंत्रिका में पहुंचे नुकसान के कारण होता है। बिना उपचार के ग्लूकोमा कुछ ही वर्षों में पूर्ण नेत्रहीनता का कारण बन सकता है।


ग्लूकोमा आंखों की बीमारी के समूह को दिया गया एक नाम है, जिसमें आंख के पिछले हिस्से में स्थित नेत्र तंत्रिका धीरे-धीरे नष्ट हो जाती है। ज्यादातर मामलों में आंख के अंदर बढ़ते दबाव के कारण नुकसान होता है, जिसके पीछे आंख की पुतली के अंदर तरल तत्वों के प्रवाह में रुकावट या इसके बाहर जाने के कारण होता है। कुछ अन्य रोगियों में इसकी वजह महत्वपूर्ण नेत्र तंत्रिका फाइबर में खून की कमी, तंत्रिका के ढांचे में कमी या स्वयं तंत्रिका फाइबर की स्थिति में समस्या इसका कारण होती है। ज्यादातर मामलों में यह आयु बढ़ने के साथ नजर आती है, लेकिन यह किसी भी आयु वर्ग में हो सकती है।

आंखों में दबाव बढ़ने का कारण:

ग्लूकोमा सामान्य तौर पर आंखों के अंदर दबाव बढ़ने के कारण होता है। ऐसा आंखों के अंदर द्रव्य पदार्थ के सामने की ओर संचालित न होने के कारण होता है। सामान्य तौर पर यह द्रव्य जिससे एक्युवस ह्यूमर कहा जाता है, आंखों से गंदगी के रूप में निकलता है। यदि यह चैनल बंद हो जाता है तो द्रव्य पदार्थ बढ़ने के कारण ग्लूकोमा हो जाता है। इस रूकावट के सीधे कारण का पता नहीं चला है, लेकिन डॉक्टरों का मानना है कि यह अनुवांशिक हो सकता है अर्थात यह माता-पिता से बच्चों तक पहुंचता है।

ग्लूकोमा के अन्य कारणों में आंखों में नुकीली या रसायनिक चोट, गंभीर नेत्र संक्रमण, आंखों में रक्त कोशिकाओं में रूकावट, आंखों में जलन जैसी स्थिति और अन्य स्थिति को दूर करने के लिए नेत्र शल्यचिकित्सा। ग्लूकोमा सामान्य तौर पर दोनों आंखों में होता है, लेकिन यह दोनों आंखों को विभिन्न स्तरों तक प्रभावित कर सकता है।

ग्लूकोमा के प्रकार:

क्रोनिक (प्राथमिक खुला कोण) ग्लूकोमा सबसे सामान्य होने वाला ग्लूकोमा है। हालांकि इसके अन्य प्रकार भी हो सकते हैं-

  • कम दबाव या सामान्य दबाव ग्लूकोमा- सामान्य नेत्र दबाव वाले लोगों में नेत्र कोशिका नुकसान कभी-कभार हो सकता है। इस ग्लूकोमा का उपचार खुला कोण ग्लूकोमा के समान किया जाता है।

  • तीव्र (कोण-बंद) ग्लूकोमा – तीव्र ग्लूकोमा आंखों के अंदर तेजी से दबाव बढ़ने के कारण होता है, जब आंख की पुतली तरल प्रवाह को रोकती है। तीव्र ग्लूकोमा का हमला ज्यादातर समय घातक होता है। इसमें लोगों को दर्द, उबकाई, धुंधली दृष्टि या आंखों के लाल होने का सामना करना पड़ता है। इस अवसर पर तुरंत स्वास्थ्य सुविधा प्रदान करनी चाहिए। यदि उपचार में देरी हो जाए तो बहुत ही कम समय में स्थायी दृष्टि बाधित हो सकती है। सामान्य तौर पर अवरोध को हटाने और दृष्टिबाधिता से बचने के लिए लेजर सर्जरी का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

  • अनुवांशिक ग्लूकोमा – यह एक दुर्लभ किस्म का ग्लूकोमा है जो असामान्य अवरोध प्रणाली के कारण होता है। यह जन्म के समय से या बाद में विकसित हो सकता है। इस रोग से पीड़ित बच्चे रोशनी के प्रति संवेदनशील, बड़ी और धूमिल आंखें और आंखों से अधिक पानी बहने की समस्या का सामना करते हैं। इन लक्षणों पर माता-पिता ध्यान रख सकते हैं। इसके उपचार के लिए सामान्य तौर पर सर्जरी की आवश्यकता पड़ती है।

  • द्वितीय ग्लूकोमा – इस प्रकार का ग्लूकोमा आंखों के अन्य विसंगतियों जैसे चोट, मोतियाबिंद और आंखों के जलने के परिणामस्वरूप विकसित हो सकता है। स्टरॉइड के प्रयोग के कारण आंखों का दबाव बढ़ सकता है, इसलिए स्टरॉइड के प्रयोग के समय नियमित तौर पर दबाव की जांच की जानी चाहिए।

ग्लूकोमा के लक्षण:

ग्लूकोमा से पीड़िता ज्यादातर लोगों में इसके शुरूआती लक्षण या दबाव बढ़ने के कारण दर्द होने का पता न चलने के कारण नियमित रूप से नेत्र चिकित्सक से आंखों का परीक्षण कराना आवश्यक है, ताकि ग्लूकोमा की पहचान की जा सके और लंबी अवधि में दृष्टिहीन होने से बचने के लिए उपचार किया जा सके। यदि आपकी आयु 40 वर्ष से अधिक है और आपका ग्लूकोमा से पीड़ित होने का पारिवारिक इतिहास है तो आपको हर एक से दो वर्ष में अपनी आंखों का पूर्ण परीक्षण नेत्र चिकित्सक से करवाना चाहिए। यदि आपको स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं जैसे डायबिटीज या ग्लूकोमा का पारिवारिक इतिहास हो या अन्य आंखों की बीमारी का खतरा हो तो आपको अपने नेत्र चिकित्सक के पास अधिक परीक्षण करवानी चाहिए।

क्रोनिक (प्राथमिक खुला-कोण) ग्लूकोमा सामान्य तौर पर सबसे अधिक प्रभावित करने वाला है। इसके कोई लक्षण नहीं हैं, जब तक कि दृष्टि बाद के चरणों में बाधित न हो जाए। इसमें नुकसान बहुत धीरे-धीरे होता है और दृष्टि धीरे-धीरे नष्ट होती है, जिसकी शुरूआत कोने की दृष्टि से होती है। इसका पता किसी भी व्यक्ति को तब तक पता नहीं चलता, जब तक कि अधिकांश कोशिकाएं नष्ट नहीं हो जाती है और दृष्टि का एक बड़ा हिस्सा बाधित हो जाता है। इस नुकसान की भरपाई नहीं की जा सकती है। यह तेजी से बढ़ता है और सामान्य तौर पर नहीं रूकता। उपचार से हो चुके नुकसान की भरपाई नहीं की जा सकती, लेकिन इससे नुकसान को कम किया जा सकता है। इसलिए इस समस्या का शुरूआती पता लगाना आवश्यक है ताकि दृष्टि को कम से कम नुकसान पहुंचे बिना उपचार की शुरूआत की जा सके।

हालांकि कोई भी व्यक्ति ग्लूकोमा से पीड़ित हो सकता है, लेकिन कुछ लोगों के इससे पीड़ित होने की ज्यादा संभावना होती है। इसमें ग्लूकोमा के पारिवारिक इतिहास, डायबिटीज, माइग्रेन, लघु दृष्टिबाधिता (मायोपिया), रक्त दबाव, पूर्व या वर्तमान में स्टरॉइड आदि का प्रयोग सम्मिलित है।

उपचार कैसे करें:

हालांकि ग्लूकोमा का कोई उपचार नहीं है, लेकिन इस पर नियंत्रण किया जा सकता है और दृष्टि के नुकसान से बचाव या इससे कम किया जा सकता है। उपचार के निम्नलिखित प्रकार हैं-
  • आई ड्रॉप्स

  • लेजर (लेजर ट्रैबीक्लुप्लास्टी) – जब आई ड्रॉप्स दृष्टि के क्षेत्र में गिरती स्थिति को नहीं रोक पाती, तब इसका प्रयोग किया जाता है। ज्यादातर मामलों में लेजर के बाद भी आई ड्रॉप्स का इस्तेमाल जारी रखने की आवश्यकता होती है। लेजर में अस्पताल में रूकने की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ती है।

  • सर्जरी (ट्रैबीक्लुस्ट्रोमी) – जब आई ड्राप्स और लेजर नेत्र दबाव को नियंत्रित करने में असफल साबित होते हैं, तब सर्जरी का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इसमें आंखों से द्रव्य पदार्थ को निकालने के लिए नया चैनल बनाया जाता है।

सरकारी पहल

दृष्टिबाधिता पर नियंत्रण के लिए राष्ट्रीय कार्यक्रम (एनपीसीबी) की शुरूआत वर्ष 1976 में 100 प्रतिशत केन्द्र द्वारा प्रायोजित कार्यक्रम के रूप में की गई थी, जिसका लक्ष्य वर्ष 2020 तक दृष्टिबाधिता के प्रसार को 1.4 प्रतिशत से घटाकर 0.3 प्रतिशत करना है। वर्ष 2001-02 में किए गए एक सर्वेक्षण के अनुसार दृष्टिबाधिता 1.1 प्रतिशत के स्तर पर थी और वर्ष 2006-07 के दौरान यह एक प्रतिशत के स्तर पर थी।

दृष्टिबाधिता के प्रमुख कारणों में से ग्लूकोमा की भागीदारी 5.80 प्रतिशत है। 12वीं पंचवर्षीय योजना के दौरान एनपीसीबी दृष्टिबाधिता को कम करने के लिए देश भर में दृष्टिबाधिता के आकलन के आधार पर इसकी पहचान करने और नेत्रहीनता का उपचार प्राथमिक, द्वितियक या तृतियक रूप से करने की संभावना पर कार्य कर रहा है। इसके अंतर्गत विस्तृत नेत्र देखभाल सेवाओं, देश के सभी जिलों में उच्च स्तर की नेत्र देखभाल सुविधा प्रदान करने के लिए अतिरिक्त मानव संसाधन और आधारभूत ढांचे का विकास करने, नेत्र देखभाल पर सामुदायिक जागरूकता बढ़ाने और बचाव के तरीकों पर जोर देने, दृष्टिबाधिता को रोकने के लिए अनुसंधान का विस्तार करने और इसे बढ़ाने, स्वयंसेवी संगठनों और निजी प्रैक्टिस करने वाले लोगों की अधिक भागीदारी पर जोर दिया जा रहा है।

नियमित तौर पर नेत्रों का परीक्षण विशेष तौर पर 40 वर्ष की आयु के बाद और तुरंत उपचार बची हुई दृष्टि को रोक सकता है, लेकिन इससे ग्लूकोमा के कारण प्रभावित दृष्टि में सुधार नहीं किया जा सकता है।

6 मार्च, ग्लूकोमा दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है।

*डॉ.एच.आर. केशवमूर्ति, पत्र सूचना कार्यालय, कोलकाता में निदेशक हैं।

Fight Wrinkles With Food

Fighting wrinkles is anything but fighting the inevitable. And at this point, your average five-year-old could probably tell you that the first step is staying out of the sun. So what else can you do? How about rearranging what's on your plate tonight. 

Load up on these:
  • Vegetables
  • Beans
  • Olive oil
  • Nuts
  • Whole-grain bread

Cut down on these:
  • Red meat
  • Butter
  • Sugary, processed foods

Sure, every health expert says you should eat this way, but skin researchers have found that people who actually do watch what they eat not only have bodies that are physically younger, healthier, and slimmer but also are less likely to get wrinkles. Cool.

Why? Experts suspect it's because the foods in the "load up" category are crammed with antioxidants, those cellular warriors that fight both aging and disease. Specifically, credit for their wrinkle-fighting success is given to five potent antioxidants -- zinc, selenium, and vitamins A, C, and E -- which excel at reducing the amount of free radicals that skin cells produce. Free radicals are what do the aging damage in the first place.

Wondering what to have for dinner tonight? How about this Kale Pesto Over Pasta And Beans? It could do wonders for your skin!

Bamboo: Qualities & Benefits of According to Ayurveda

School children are generally taught a couplet, which means that it is always good to keep a stick nearby as it has many qualities. The stick, which has been mentioned, is nothing but bamboo. We know that bamboo has several uses but we are unaware of its medicinal uses.

Bamboo is available in all parts of India, but it is mainly found in southern India and the states of Orissa, Assam, lower Himalayas, the plains of Ganges and Indus. It grows naturally in the forests, but is cultivated in the cities. There are 550 different kinds of bamboo, here two or three types of bamboo are being described.

  • Dendro Calamus Atrictmus: It is straight, thin and solid. It belongs to the male species.

  • Dendrocalamus Giganteous: This also belongs to the male species. It is 20 to 120 feet long. When old, this bamboo turns green or yellow in color. This type of bamboo is very strong.

  • Bamboo Manma - these bamboos are of female species and are popular in the hilly areas as fat, hollow and catarrh bamboos. The white fluid inside the bamboos dries up and forms into a solid substance and is therefore known as Banshlochan (manna obtained from bamboo, manna is a sugary substance). The real banshlochan (manna) is white in color or has bluish stripes, opaque, irregular in shape and small to large big pieces found between each node. It is very hard and does not break easily. It is not easily soluble in water. When water is poured on this manna it becomes transparent. The real manna is very expensive and can also be manufactured through a chemical process.

External form:

Bamboos are absolutely straight in groups having fixed thorns. This type of bamboo generally grows up to a height of 20 to 50 feet in shrubs. The stem is round with a thickness of 6 to 7 feet, having several hollow and solid barks at a distance of 20 inches with different shapes of clear nodes. The tree has no branches but three-fourths of the tree have more spines between each node. The leaves grow in bunches and are around 7 inches long with a sharp front edges and rounded towards the end.


The long branches have whitish red colored flowers bearing fruits, which are 1/3 inch in size and barley shaped. They are also called vanshyava, because of their shape, and a rice like grain grows in these fruits, which are called bamboo rice.

Chemical composition:

Banshlochan (Manna) contains silica, mandoor, Potash, lime, alumina and some vegetable substances like colin carbohydrates and several other substances.


It is rough, slightly hot, sweet essence, astringent taste, ripe, oily, buddy leaves, belongs to the barley species and hot in strength.
Banshlochan (Manna):

It has a sweet astringent taste, sweet when ripe and cold in strength. It is healthy for the different humors of the body, and increases the sperm. It is beneficial in thirst, cough, fever, respiratory disorders, bile due to tuberculosis, blood impurities, leprosy with jaundice, wounds, ulcers, jaundice, vata dosha and painful discharge of urine. Besides it has other uses in pregnancy and post delivery.

Offshoots of bamboo:

Spicy, sour, pungent, bitter, slightly cold and beneficial in bleeding piles, for burning sensations and gonorrhea.


The bamboo rice is pungent, sweet, strong, and nutritious. It cures kapha, pitta dosha, removes toxic substances from the body and cures the disease in which the vital humors of the body are excreted through urine.


Bamboo and bamboo with a hole are beneficial in curing painful discharge of urine, excretion of vital humors from the body, and burning sensation of piles. The bamboo containing hole increases the fire in the stomach, cures indigestion, helps in digestion of food, relieves pain and enlargement of the heart and improves appetite.

Useful parts of Bamboo:

Roots, leaves, offshoots, fruits, manna.

Medicinal Uses of Bamboo:


1. Burn the skin and roots of bamboo and mix it in vinegar. Apply this lep (pack) on the head. Hair will begin to grow on a bald head.

2. Take the ash of the roots of bamboo and mix it in chameli (Jasmine flower) oil. This is very beneficial to cure baldness.

3. Burn the roots and skin of bamboo and mix equal quantity of turmeric powder in their bhasma (ash) and make a fine powder. Apply this on the scalp, it makes the hair strong and prevents hair loss.

4. Grind the roots of bamboo and apply on the face and small-pox marks. The skin becomes beautiful.


Burn the bamboo leaves and apply the ash on the area, where it is itching. This is a very effective medicine to stop itching.

Bleeding Wounds:

1. Burn the bamboo wood coals and make a powder. Sprinkle this powder on the wounds to stop bleeding and for fast healing. It also reduces swelling.

2. Pour the juice of tender shoots of bamboo to kill worms. Tie a poultice of tender shoots of bamboo to heal the wound quickly.

Eye Problems:

1. Banshlochan (manna) -1.250 mg, 1 small cardamom seed (powdered) - 10 gm, avala (mylobaran) - 750 mg, black pepper—500 mg, small pippali - 250 mg. Mix all the ingredients and add pure surma (collyrium, black substance applied as eye-liner) equal to half of the sum total of all the ingredients. Sieve with a thin cloth and apply in the eyes. This prevents all types of eye problems.

2. Apply the oily substance accumulated on the stem and leaves of bamboo in the eyes. This is an effective medicine to cure cataract.

Dental Problems:

1. Burn the roots of bamboo and massage the teeth with the ash. The teeth become clean and shining.

2. Take equal proportions of banshlochan (manna), small cardamom seeds and samamstangi. Grind all the ingredients together and store in a safe place. Massage the teeth with this powder twice daily. It cleans plaque and dirt on the teeth and makes the teeth sparkling white.

Disease of the Umbilical Tube:

Tie the poultice of the bamboo shoots on the umbilical tube. The disease will be cured.

Hip Pain:

1. Rub the fresh shoots of bamboo leaves in vinegar and apply on the back and hips. This reduces the pain.

2. Burn the roots of bamboo and mix the bhasma (ash) in water. Apply this on the hip bones to relieve pain.

Expulsion of the Placenta:

It is necessary to clean the uterus properly post delivery. Boil 10 bamboo leaves in 200 gm of water and make a thick decoction till it reduces to 50 gm. Sieve it and add 10 gm of jaggery and drink it hot (as per convenience). This eases the process of childbirth and expulsion of placenta. It reduces the pain in the uterus and prevents excessive loss of blood.

Mild Menstruation:

1. If the female does not get proper menses or if the cycle is irregular, decoction of fresh bamboo leaves is highly beneficial.

2. The same medicine is good for cleaning the uterus.

Painful and Mild Menstruation:

Make a coarse powder of the bamboo knot. Take 20 gm of this powder and 40 gm of soy seeds. Boil both the ingredients in one litre of water and reduce it to one-eighth of the quantity. Add 25 gm of jaggery and give it to the patient. This is beneficial in curing painful and mild menstruation.

Urinary problem:

1. Decoction of fresh bamboo leaves is beneficial in reducing the burning sensation and pain in the bladder.

2. Boil 25 gm of bamboo leaves in 200 ml of water. Reduce it to 40 ml. Give this medicine to the patient with 5 gm of honey. This is beneficial to cure urinary problems.


Bamboo leaves are extremely beneficial to cure Gonorrhea. Dry the bamboo leaves in the shade, take 6 gm of the dried leaves and mix it with 6 gm of Anantmool powder. Boil both the ingredients in 400 ml of water till it reduces to 100 ml. Add 3 to 4 grams of sugar candy in this decoction and give to the patient regularly for one or two weeks.

Increasing the fire in the stomach:

Bamboo shoots are used as food in various ways. Boil the fresh leaves or shoots and prepare pickle, vegetable or soup and include it in your diet. This is very beneficial in curing indigestion and the digestive system will function properly.

Poison Antidote:

Extract the juice of bamboo leaves and add jaggery powder. Give one dose of this medicine to reduce the effect of poison.

Dog Bite:

1 .When a dog bites someone, its poison (bacteria) enters-the body. Grind the roots of bamboo in milk and give it to the person, the poison will be removed.

2. Grind bamboo shoots and roots in cow milk and give to the person every morning for 15 days. This will remove the effect of poison in the body.

Dry Cough:

Soak the bamboo knot in water and heat it lukewarm. Give this to children suffering with dry cough.


Grind the knots of bamboo, heat them a little and tie a poultice on the painful area.


1. In case of any type of injury, grind the bamboo skin and make a fine powder. Give one dose with grounded jaggery.

2. If injury causes acute pain and burning sensation in the blood and on the skin. In this case make a decoction with bamboo skin. Let it cool, add honey and give it to the person twice or thrice daily. This is very beneficial to reduce dehydration due to consumption of excess liquor and burning sensation due to the effect of toxic substances.

Uses of Banshlochan (Manna):

1. 1.250 to 2.500 mg of banshlochan with honey cures dry cough.

2. One gm banshlochan powder, 395 mg of Pippali powder. Add both these ingredients in honey and give two to three doses daily to cure breathing and cough problem.

Fever due to indigestion:

500 gm banshlochan, 500 gm of Giloy satva (extract), 250 gm of pippali powder. Add all these ingredients with honey and give three doses daily. This medicine cures fever due to indigestion.


Take 500 gm of banshlochan with ghee or honey thrice daily. This will heal all wounds.

Secretion of vital humors from the body:

Banshlochan rasa (essence), pure nagkesar and seeds of cardamom. Take equal proportion of these things, grind them and sieve it with a thin cloth. Grease it with sandal oil and make small pills. Give one pill each in the morning and evening with 50 ml water mixed with 6 gm of grounded jaggery. This dose reduces the burning sensation in case of Gonorrhea and completely cures the disease within seven days. This pill is beneficial in all types of secretions of the vital humors.

Burning Sensation in Urine:

1. In the above mentioned pill do not grease it with sandal oil and give only one and a half or three gm of powder with sugar candy and milk.

2. A dose of banshlochan with Gokharu drops with swarasa (essence) of Gokharu reduces the burning sensation of the urine.

3. Make curds with raw milk, add banshlochan powder, Gokharu and sugar candy. This medicine cures burning sensation in the stomach.

Bleeding piles:

Take 2 gm of banshlochan powder and 10 gm of bamboo rasa and mix it with sugar candy.

Mouth ulcers:

Mix banshlochan, small cardamom, white catechu (katha) and geru in equal quantities and make a powder. Put a small quantity of this powder in the mouth at small intervals. Take 40 gm of rose petals and make Gulkand, add 2 to 3 gm of banshlochan and give twice or thrice daily.

Mix banshlochan with honey and apply the lep (pack) on the mouth ulcers.

Increasing sperm:

Consume one gm of banshlochan everyday or take it with praval pishti, abhrak bhasma (ash of mica), shilajit and other medicines.


If there is a chance of miscarriage, take one gm of banshlochan, add 125 mg of Kalbul Haj. Grind both these ingredients separately and then mix them. Take this medicine twice or thrice to prevent miscarriage.

Other Uses:

1. Take out the green portion of the lotus stem, which lies in the middle of the stem, and add equal quantity of banshlochan. Make a fine powder with both the ingredients and add sugar candy in double proportion. Take this medicine twice or thrice daily with cow milk to be blessed with a baby.

2. The children have the habit of eating sand. Give them a cake of banshlochan to get rid of this habit.

Sitopaladi Churna:

Dalchini 10 gm
Small cardamom seeds: 20 gm
Small Pipal : 40 gm
Banshlochan: 80 gm
Sugar candy: 160 gm

Grind all these ingredients separately, sieve it with a cloth and store it safely. Give two to four gm of this powder with honey to cure phlegm related diseases.

In case of wind and bile related problems, consume banshlochan first with ghee and then half quantity of honey.

This powder cures dry cough, respiratory disorders, bleeding from the mouth, burning sensation in the hands and legs, pain in the ribs, fever due to indigestion and humors, weakness in children, burning sensation in the eyes, throat etc.

A pregnant lady should take this powder for 4 to 6 months to give birth to a healthy baby. The same preparation can be used in the last month of pregnancy to induce labor.

10 gm of sitopaladi churna
10 gm of pure ghee made out of buffalo milk

Keep both the things in glass or mud vessel and pour the freshly extracted buffalo milk and consume it twice daily for two months.


Excess consumption of banshlochan is harmful for the lungs. Honey, Mastangi (a kind of gum), saffron, Unnav (jejube fruit used in medicine) and eluva (wormwood) have the capacity to remove the harmful effects.

Representative Medicines:

Kulpha and Raitang. 

Amazing Benefits of Oats

Cream of Wheat, or oatmeal for breakfast? If you’re looking for foods that lower blood pressure, go for the oats.

In a study of folks with high blood pressure, eating soluble-fiber-rich whole-grain oats every day caused a significant dip in BP readings. In fact, some people's pressure dropped so low from the benefits of oatmeal that they needed less blood pressure medication.

Frosting on the Oats

First things first. Never change or stop your prescription medications without express instructions from your doctor. But a bowl of oatmeal in the morning may be a wonderful thing to add to your blood pressure management plan. In the study, a diet supplemented with oats was not only more effective than wheat fiber at slashing blood pressure readings but also helped control cholesterol and blood sugar. That's quite a powerful package of heart-protective benefits for one little grain, and certainly proves as one of the best foods that lower blood pressure.

The Proof Is in the Grains

To reap the full benefits of oatmeal that the study participants got, you need only about three-fourths of a cup of whole-grain oatmeal at breakfast and an oat-based snack later in the day.

Ayurvedic Benefits of Sesame [ Til / तिल ]

Sesame is used in villages for auspicious occasions, rituals, religious sacrifices and marriage ceremonies due to it's religious and mythological importance. It is included in the rituals of gods and in the death ceremonies of ancestors, and is supposed to protect from bad spirits and devils. This is the main reason that, even today, sesame laddu's (sweets) are prepared in villages on the auspicious day of Makara Sankranti (Winter Solstice, celebrated as a Hindu festival). On one hand this gives mental peace and on the other hand it grants a long and healthy life.

Kinds of Sesame

Apart from its religious significance, sesame is used as a medicine. In Ayurveda, it is considered to be an extremely beneficial and strong medicine. It is a rainy season crop, and is mainly of three kinds: 1. black sesame 2. white sesame 3. red sesame.

Black sesame contains the best qualities with respect to nutrition. White sesame possesses medium qualities and red sesame has no qualities at all.

The most important specialty of sesame is that is contains four rasas (flavors), hot, bitter, sweet and pungent.

Qualities of Sesame

Sesame is bitter in preparation, heavy for digestion, tasty, oily, hot, destroyer of phlegm - bile, provides strength and is beneficial for hair. Its lep (pack) is cold. It cures many diseases, dental and wind related problems, increases milk, fire and intelligence and decreases excess urination.

Sesame in the Form of Sweets

Sesame is hot in nature and is therefore used for preparing sweets in winter season. Different types of sweets like gajak, laddu, revadi, etc. are made of sesame during the winter and protect us from cold. The chances of catching cold reduce if we eat these sweets. Sesame laddu's are beneficial for those children who normally have the problem of bed-wetting in winters. Children having this problem should be given one sesame laddu each in the morning and evening. The bed wetting problem and the urge to urinate at small intervals also gets cured.

Sesame is not just an eatable item, in Ayurveda it is considered to be a great medicine. Regular consumption of sesame protects from many diseases and general physical weakness. The patient develops a good and effective resistance power when compared to normal persons. In other words, the patients develop the capacity to fight against disease.

Medicinal Use of Sesame

Dental problem: Sesame is extremely beneficial in case of loose teeth or the person is suffering from pyorrhoea and toothache. In such case, let the sesame oil remain in the mouth for 10 - 15 minutes and do gargles. This relieves toothache. Another instant remedy to cure toothache is to do gargles with hot sesame oil mixed with asa fetida and black cumin seeds.

Treatment of Bleeding Dysentery with Sesame:

Sesame is very beneficial for bleeding dysentery. Grind 20 gm of sesame and add 30 ml of goat's milk, this medicine gives relief in case of bleeding dysentery. Grind few sesame seeds and mix it with jaggery powder, let the child suffering with this problem lick it with honey, the child will get immediate relief. Grinded sesame mixed with butter also cures this problem.

Treatment of Burns with Sesame:

If any part of the body has burnt and the person suffers from extreme pain and burning sensation, then apply the lep (pack) of sesame, camphor and ghee on the affected area. This reduces the pain and burning sensation. Grind sesame with milk and apply the lep (pack) on the affected part, this will slowly reduce the burning sensation and the pain.

Treatment of Impotency with Sesame:

Consumption of sesame gives lot of strength and therefore it removes impotency. Boil 15 gm of sesame in 10 gm of Gokharu (briar) milk, this medicine taken regularly stops the secretion of vital humors of the body, reduces impotency and weakness. Regular consumption of this medicine for one month definitely cures the impotency.

Treatment of Menstrual Cycle with Sesame:

Consumption of Sesame can be very beneficial in case of severe pain during menstrual cycle or mild menstruation. Cook one tola (around 12 gm) sesame in 20 tolas (240 gm) of water and let it reduce to one-fourth of the quantity, remove it from flame and let it cool. Add jaggery in this syrup and consume it regularly every morning, this will cure the problem of mild or irregular menstruation. Add shakkar (jaggery powder) in sesame and barley powder and give this to a women who has delivered a baby, her bleeding will stop. 

8 Ways to Boost Your "Good" Cholesterol [HDL]

Fighting for the Good

You probably know all about the two types of cholesterol: HDL and LDL. Too much LDL (bad) cholesterol can gunk up your blood and clog your arteries, but HDL (good) cholesterol acts like a housekeeper for your blood, mopping up excess LDL and tossing it in the trash (your liver) for disposal. HDL also decreases inflammation and may protect against Alzheimer's, too. How can you get more HDL? Start with these eight strategies. 

Take a Walk

A quick, 30-minute walk each day is all you need to increase HDL by 9%. Can't squeeze in a daily walk? Shoot for 30 to 45 minutes of higher-intensity aerobic exercise two to three times a week. That more-condensed regimen will increase your HDL up to 5 points (not bad considering every 1-point jump in HDL drops your risk for cardiovascular disease by 3%).

Lose Weight

Obesity and low HDL tend to go hand in hand, but you don't have to become runway-model thin to raise your good cholesterol. You can bump it up one point for every 6.6 pounds of excess body weight you drop.

Boost Your Vitamin B

Two B vitamins can help raise HDL: niacin (B3) and pantothenic acid (B5). Niacin works, but it can have side effects, including liver damage and intense hot flushing. A supplement containing 300 mg of B5 can also help increase your HDL cholesterol. To be safe, talk to your doctor before you take these supplements. Serious side effects, allergic reactions, and interactions with other drugs are possible.

Opt for More Omega-3s

Cold-water fish such as salmon and trout are high in a particular type of omega-3 fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that helps raise HDL cholesterol. (DHA also protects brain and eye health, and helps with weight control.) To ensure you get ample DHA, Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD, also recommend a daily 900 mg algae-based omega-3 supplement.

Stop Smoking

Kick this habit to the curb and you'll crank up your HDL by a whopping 4 points. You'll also slash your risk of lung cancer and other life-threatening diseases. If you've struggled and failed to quit smoking, don't give up. Sometimes it takes a new approach to succeed. Ask your doctor for advice on how to quit.

Drink Alcohol in Moderation

A daily glass of red wine or other alcoholic beverage may help lower your risk for cardiovascular disease by up to 40%. That's because the ethanol in all forms of alcohol helps increase HDL cholesterol and prevent blood clots. The key is moderation: no more than one drink per day for the ladies; two for the gents.

Eat Less Sugar

Gobbling more than 90 grams of sugar a day can jack up bad-for-you triglycerides and take a bite out of your HDL level. Limit added sugars to less than 100 calories (about 2 tablespoons) a day. That includes obvious sources, such as a teaspoon of sugar in your morning coffee, as well as sugars in processed foods -- everything from condiments and salad dressings to cereal. Yet another reason to carefully read food labels!

Skip Bad-for-You Fat

Cut back on foods high in saturated fat and trans fat. These unhealthy fats raise LDL cholesterol, boost inflammation, and damage blood vessels. Trans fats also reduce HDL. Cut down on saturated fat by eating less meat and full-fat dairy. Aim for no more than 7% of your daily calories from saturated fat. Avoid trans fat by skipping processed food, such as cookies, crackers, margarine, or any product containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Healthy Food During Pregnancy as per Ayurveda

Nutritious food is very necessary for a pregnant woman. A pregnant woman requires 80 thousand extra calories in order to give birth to a healthy child because around 300 additional calories are spent everyday during pregnancy, which is equal to the amount of calories present in a glassful of low fat milk, a bread slice, and an apple.

Calcium rich food should be taken during pregnancy. Calcium prevents high blood pressure in a pregnant woman. A woman should drink two to three glasses of low fat milk during pregnancy. She should take it before, during pregnancy and after delivery.

Cook rice or barley in milk instead of water to get sufficient amount of calcium. Eat calcium rich things, as during pregnancy 1000 mg of calcium is required everyday.

The pregnant woman should avoid constipation and therefore she should drink more water, as it is also beneficial for the child growing inside the womb. Drink at least eight glasses of water during the day. Drink water before and after meals. Skimmed milk or fruit juice is also beneficial.

A pregnant woman also requires iron during these days. She should take protein rich food, dry beans, green peas etc. Iron is difficult to add in the food but it is very important. Eat iron rich food as much as possible. Cook vegetables in iron pans and take, iron tablets etc.

Avoid fish, and meat during pregnancy, as it could be harmful for the child. Reduce tea and coffee or completely avoid it as it reduces the weight of the child and leads to several other problems.

Different types of meat contain bacteria called hysteria, which could be dangerous for the health of the child growing inside the womb.

Fat is useful only when it is prepared from pasteurized milk. The child growing inside the womb depends on the food intake of its mother. Do not eat such foods which will have an adverse affect on the child’s health in order to reduce the intake of carbohydrates. The child will not get sufficient nutrition. Eat green leafy vegetables and a variety of things during pregnancy to get all types of minerals and vitamins.

Anaemia During Pregnancy:

The hemoglobin level reduces in the blood, and brings down the oxygen level in the body causing a lady to feel fatigued. In addition to this, she remains stressed, irritable, restless, emotional, angry, has dry skin, dry hair and loss of concentration. The main reason for anemia is the absence of sufficient nutritional elements in the food necessary for the formation of blood. Half a cup of rice has 0.5 mg of iron and one-cup of milk has 0.1 mg iron. Whereas a woman loses 28 mg iron everyday during menstruation.

Food During Pregnancy:

A woman should choose pregnancy only when she is having good health. She should try to improve her digestive system. Take hot lemon water with honey, raw vegetables, especially carrot, cucumber, gourd, spinach, white gourd juice, vegetable juice, fruits, raisins, dry dates, vegetable soup. This improves the digestion process.

After Conceiving Food Should be as Follows:

  • Take lukewarm lemon water with honey or take a fruit or vegetable juice.
  • Take four to five almonds and 20 to 25 gm raisins, three to four dry dates along with milk and half a cup of fruit (apple, papaya and pear etc.) at 9 a.m
  • Take fruit juice or raw vegetable soup at noon.
  • Take lunch at 1.30 p.m, which should include chapatti made with whole wheat flour, salad, vegetable, curd (yoghurt), etc. Take salad in good quantity.
  • Take some fruit at 5 p.m or fruit juice or lukewarm lemon water with honey.
  • Take vegetable soup at 7.30 p.m.
  • Take lentils, vegetable, salad and one or two chapattis at 8 p.m or fruit and vegetable soup, and drink milk at bedtime. Take vegetable soup after a half hour of eating fruits.
  • Take something in between if hungry, like fruits, juice, etc.
  • Do not take tea or coffee, or take it only once daily.
  • A woman should not take food in excess but it should be rich in vitamins and minerals, and nutritious.

Daily Routine During Pregnancy:

The woman should be careful during pregnancy, as there are chances of miscarriage. She should take regular massage for hands and legs since laborious work is not possible.

A pregnant woman should always be happy and avoid tough work. She should avoid fast walking, lifting weight, standing for long hours, climbing up the stairs, jumping, cycling, dancing, swimming, etc. she can do some light household work.

To Beget a Healthy Child:
  • The pregnant woman should take two oranges during afternoon from first to eighth month.
  • She should take half to one-gram linseed vanshlochan powder at bedtime for the first three to four months once she is tested positive for pregnancy. This helps in begetting a healthy child and also helps her remain strong. It also avoids chances of miscarriage. The lady should eat vanshlochan as much as possible with sugar candy and coconut. It overcomes weakness during pregnancy and keeps the child healthy and disease free.
  • The pregnant woman should chew aniseed daily after meals during the pregnancy.
  • She should drink 60 gm fresh grape juice twice daily to make the child healthy and strong. The child will be beautiful and the mother will remain free of faints, giddiness, dental pain, cramps, swelling, acidity and constipation. She should take one myrobalan marmalade everyday to beget a healthy child. It also maintains good health of the mother.

Yogic Cure:

Regular exercise is necessary after conceiving. It prevents miscarriage and also reduces labour pain.

Before pregnancy – Chakrasana, Paschimottasana, Yog Mudra, sputa Vajrasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Hastpadotasana, Pavanmuktasana, Halasana, Sarvangasana, shalabhasana, Shavasana should be practiced to gain physical and mental health. Kapalbhati, Shitali, Nadi shodhan and Agnisar kriya should be practiced during this period.

After pregnancy – A pregnant woman can do exercise up to three to four months after conceiving, which include Paschimottasana, Ardhamatysendrasana, Vajrasana, Suptavajrasana, Hastpadotasana, Makarasana, Halasana for special benefit. Stop the practice of these asanas after three months and do light household work.